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Website feedback survey benchmarks

Get context for your results by downloading our free report

Whether you’re a marketer, product manager, designer, or just about anybody else, you know that your organization’s website is the window to your brand. Consumers expect to find you online—and in order to remain competitive, your website should provide a visually appealing, intuitive, and informative experience.

Although it’s likely you’ve already invested a lot of time and money developing your website, how do you know it’s helping (and not hurting) your bottom line? Website feedback surveys can help you learn what you’re doing right—and what you’re doing wrong. But the insights you collect only give you half the story.That’s where website feedback survey benchmarks come in.

Website feedback industry benchmarks give you context for your survey results. We’ve made it easy for you to see how you stack up against your biggest competitors by compiling the data from more than a thousand website feedback surveys into a comprehensive benchmark report.

See how you're doing by comparing the results of your website feedback survey against the SurveyMonkey benchmarks.

Clicks, time spent on the page, articles visited—these implicit metrics can only help you see how people are interacting with your website. But these metrics won’t tell you why you’re doing well (or not-so-well).

When you use our website feedback survey template, you get explicit feedback on what’s working (and what’s not) when it comes to the user experience. You’ll learn what consumers think and feel while browsing your website—and collect valuable market segmentation data. That way, you can make targeted improvements to the user experience and increase your conversion rate.

Sign up for a FREE account to create and send a website feedback survey in minutes.

Maybe you already sent out a website feedback survey. Or perhaps you’re planning on sending one out this year. Understand what your results really mean by using your initial website feedback scores to set internal baselines or benchmarks. Then repeat the survey periodically to see whether your scores move in the right direction.

While tracking your organization’s progress over time is important, you also need to know how you compare with other organizations in your industry. If 65% of your website visitors say they trust the information on your website a great deal, how do you know whether that’s good or bad?

Knowing where you stand—and creating goals from there—takes perspective. Although “only” 65% of your website visitors say they trust your website’s information, you’d feel pretty good about it if you knew you were in the 99th percentile. Our website feedback benchmark data is designed to give you that context.

Here’s a peek at some of the data we’ve collected from the website feedback survey:

website feedback chart

Did you know that 38% say finding the information they’re looking for on a website is moderately to not at all easy?

Where does your organization stand? Download our website feedback survey benchmarks report today to see more results—and start setting smarter goals for your organization. Or explore our other benchmarks to see how we can help you compare your website feedback survey results against industry benchmarks.

Woman with red hair creating a survey on laptop

Opdag vores værktøjspakker, der er designet til at hjælpe dig med at udnytte feedback i dit arbejde eller i din branche.

A man and woman looking at an article on their laptop, and writing information on sticky notes

Over 400 brugerdefinerbare skabeloner udarbejdet af eksperter. Opret og send hurtigt engagerende spørgeundersøgelser med SurveyMonkey.

Smiling man with glasses using a laptop

Stil de rette spørgsmål i din spørgeundersøgelse om fratrædelsessamtale for at reducere medarbejderafgang. Opret formularer med vores skabeloner.

Woman reviewing information on her laptop

Få de tilladelser, du skal bruge, med en tilpasset samtykkeformular. Tilmeld dig gratis i dag, og opret formularer med skabelonerne til samtykkeformular.