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How we find survey participants around the world

SurveyMonkey Audience finds survey responses for any research need, with survey takers in 130+ countries.

SurveyMonkey Audience

Our market research solution can quickly provide survey takers (also known as panelists) for all types of research projects, from concept testing to product development to ad testing, from brand tracking to content creation and even crisis management.

SurveyMonkey Audience finds survey panelists for over 1,500 projects every month. And it helps its customers collect over 100,000 responses every week! Want to learn how? Check these 7 simple steps.

Select demographic criteria

1. You have questions. We’ve got people to answer them. All you have to do is select the demographic criteria you need in your survey participants.

Assign to respondents

2. When you launch a survey using SurveyMonkey Audience, it joins other open surveys that will be promptly assigned to respondents.

High Priority surveys

3. In the U.S., you can choose High Priority to ensure that your audience answers your survey first.

4. We deliver your audience from one of two sources.

SurveyMonkey Contribute

In the U.S., our Contribute program recruits survey participants from the millions of people who take surveys every day on SurveyMonkey. The panelists donate their time and we donate 50 cents per survey to a charity of their choice.

Find survey participants in other countries

Outside the U.S., we work with trusted survey panel companies to find survey participants in over 130 countries.

5. How panelists take surveys

Surveys in email invitations

We send panelists email invitations to take a survey.

Router to new survey

If a survey is full, a router assigns the panelist to another survey in real time.

Balancing sample on criteria

6. You can also balance your sample on criteria like gender or age. For example, you might want a higher proportion of female respondents than the percentage in the U.S. population. We close off each group as soon as you have as many respondents as you need.

Review survey results

7. Once enough panelists take your survey, we let you know your project is complete. Now you can dig into the results, find great insights, and take action!

We provide SurveyMonkey Audience users with high-quality results, so that they can make sound decisions based on trustworthy insights. Here’s how we do it:

  • Volunteer survey participants. In the U.S., we recruit survey takers from the millions of people who complete SurveyMonkey questionnaires every month. They join our SurveyMonkey Contribute panel.
  • The right incentives. We don’t pay Contribute respondents for taking surveys. Instead, we donate 50 cents to a charity of their choice for every survey they answer. This promotes selfless, thoughtful participation. (Sound cool? You can join them right now.)
  • High engagement. To ensure data quality, we make sure to avoid flooding survey takers with questionnaires. They also take regular self-profiling surveys to help us keep their demographic information updated.
  • Trusted partners. We work with survey panel companies that provide us with respondents in over 130 countries, ensuring that they are willing participants and vetted for quality.

These factors allow us to guarantee high data quality and avoid common pitfalls in survey results, like having unengaged survey respondents who may spoil the quality of your data. And they also let us find a diverse audience with the right demographic balance to get you the survey responses that you need, making it perfect for getting research for concept testing, content marketing, and more.

“You just seem to find qualified people willing to take surveys. That’s the most valuable aspect of your service.”

Bernie Crump
President, Mobile2M
Manager for brandmarkedsføring

Managere indenfor brandmarkedsføring kan bruge denne værktøjspakke til at sætte sig ind i din målgruppe, udvikle dit brand og dokumentere afkast.

Se SurveyMonkeys løsninger til produkter og tjenester

Branchen for forbrugerprodukter og -tjenester – inkl. forbrugsvarer, rejse- og hotelbranchen – anvender indsigt fra SurveyMonkey til at præge fremtiden.

Undersøg løsninger fra SurveyMonkey til detailhandel

Se, hvordan SurveyMonkey hjælper detailvirksomheder med at navigere de skiftende tendenser, udvikle produkter, der begejstrer, og opbygge afholdte brands.

Se SurveyMonkeys løsninger til professionelle servicevirksomheder

Se, hvordan professionelle serviceorganisationer bruger SurveyMonkey til at få kunde- og markedsindsigt.

Learn more about our fast global panel, SurveyMonkey Audience.