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Brand mission: what it is and how to identify it

Your brand’s mission statement sets the tone for your brand. Explore how to use it to fuel your brand strategy.

Once you’ve determined your brand purpose—why your brand exists—it’s time to develop your mission. Your brand mission is critical to your brand strategy as it shows the world how you achieve your purpose. Several elements go into your brand mission, but it is expressed in a concise statement. Let’s look at the meaning of brand mission, how to identify your mission, and tips for creating a mission statement that expresses the passion behind the purpose.

Your brand mission is a statement that puts a spotlight on what your brand is currently doing and focusing on to fulfill its brand purpose. The mission statement clearly states what your company does, how it does it, and why it does what it does. It’s action-oriented and can be used as a roadmap for your vision statement.

Your mission statement should be timeless and specific. It should be comprised of a few concise sentences that tell existing and potential customers what to expect from your brand and provide your employees with direction and inspiration. Businesses of all sizes and types need to have a mission statement.

Brand mission is sometimes confused or combined with other brand elements when in reality, it is a distinctly singular part of your brand strategy. Let’s look at the three brand elements that are often confused with brand mission: brand identity, brand vision, and brand voice.

Put all of your visual imagery, logos, colors, and key messaging together, and you have your brand identity. A strong brand identity portrays a positive image to your customers, thus helping create trust, loyalty, and familiarity. It’s brand identity that creates an emotional connection with your customers as it communicates your personality, values, and story.

Speaking of brand vision, this branding element is probably the most often confused with brand mission. Brand vision is your concept of the future of your brand. It includes company goals and plans for the future of your brand. While brand mission focuses on today, brand vision is dedicated to what you plan to accomplish in the future.

Every brand has its own way of communicating with consumers. Brand voice is the combination of colors, logos, wording, and other content that matches the tone of the target buying audience. The brand voice is usually based on your buyer personas, targeting your customer segments in relatable ways.

Yes, some brands try to fly without a clear mission statement. Unfortunately, that leaves employees and customers uncertain about your brand’s purpose and values. Your purpose, mission, and vision are the driving forces behind your brand’s direction. They tell the story of how your brand interacts within the company and outside of its walls. 

Some specific ways your brand mission is important:

An elevator pitch is a brief, memorable description of what your brand does. The goal of an elevator pitch is to earn a second conversation with the person you’re talking with—to convince them to use your brand, make a purchase, or hire your brand as a solution. You’re not trying to sell them with your elevator pitch.

Your mission statement describes what your brand is doing to meet your brand purpose now, so it serves as a guide for creating the perfect pitch. 

Because your brand mission statement clarifies how your purpose is being met, it can serve as a framework for your organization to use as a guideline for actions and decisions for everything from product development to marketing strategy. The mission statement will ensure that all actions taken by your brand are consistent with your purpose and values.

Mission statements also guide company culture and workplace environment. Your mission statement is an official expression of your brand’s objectives, values, and beliefs, so it should clearly direct employee actions and set the tone for the company culture.

When you’re ready to identify your brand mission but are unsure where to begin, take a look at the mission statements of other brands in your industry. You can draw inspiration from them to create your own unique mission statement. 

  1. Start with your brand story

Your brand mission conveys why your brand exists. Try free writing about your business, what problem you wanted to solve, why you wanted to solve it, your inspiration for starting your business, your product or service, etc. Sum up your brand story. During this step, you’re gathering thoughts, so don’t worry about the volume of material you have.

  1. Determine the core elements

What are your core values? Your brand mission should reflect your values and ethics, as well as your product or service. These are the ingrained principles that hold meaning for you on a personal and professional level.

  1. Write your statement

Now that you have the highlights of your brand story and your core values in front of you, it’s time to clear out the unnecessary content. You need to put the ideas together in a brief statement of what you offer, your core values, and how your offering and values are aligned. This may be one sentence or a few more, but it shouldn’t include any fluff. It should be very clear and concise.

  1. Check it against criteria

Take what you’ve written and read it through. Does it meet all of the criteria we’ve discussed? Is it focused on what your company is doing now to fulfill its purpose while keeping your core values in mind? 

Look at your statement in terms of these questions:

  • Passion