Kursusevaluering Question Title * 1. Angiv venligst hvilket kursus du har deltaget på.Please indicate which course you have participated in. Værkstedskursus i VVS installation - Workshop course in plumbing installation Elevatorkursus - Elevator course Udvidet kedelpasserkursus - Advanced boiler course El kursus for maskinmestre - Electricity course for Bachelor of Technology Management and Marine Engineering Termografikursus - Thermography Course NDE - Non Destructive Examination Bunkerkursus - Bunker Course Loddekursus - Brazing course CDCP Course CDFOM Course Kedelpasser overbygning - Boiler attendant – advanced Drift og kobling af højspændingsanlæg - Operation and coupling of high-voltage systems Kurset er ikke på listen, men angives nedenfor - The course is not on the list but I'll specify below: Angiv manglende kursus i evalueringen- Specify missing course in the course evaluation Question Title * 2. Venligst angiv datoen for udfyldelse af evalueringsskemaetPlease set the date for completing the evaluation form, please use the format DD/MM/YYYY Dags dato - Todays date Dato Næste